We’re humans


See more, be more

To tackle the complexity of the world, we need humans who grow with the task, move away from their egos, gain a broader perspective and act consciously. We have a desire to help leaders and organisations make a positive impact on the world.

We go to work every day hoping to achieve a higher collective consciousness for all. We inspire leaders to gain a broader perspective on the world and provide them with the tools to act consciously and have a profound impact.

Being conscious and aware of how our basic assumptions influence our ability to see more perspectives is key for leaders to succeed.


When opposites meet

Conscious Consulting was founded by Torben Nielsen, Steen Ruby and Simon Skaaning in the summer of 2021.

We've worked together for many years — but it hasn’t always been easy! We came from various backgrounds and had different approaches to our work. With time, we learned to let go of our egos and enter a fruitful co-creation process that keeps elevating our work as both individuals and a team.

We're constantly on a learning journey where we influence each other, our collaborators and our clients, and we learn by setting personal development goals. Together, we share an innate desire to push the status quo and have an impact on the world around us through Conscious Consulting.

Our team

We’re former enterprise leaders with +10 years of management consulting experience. We’re always on our own conscious personal transformation journey and see coaching as an essential part of growing.

Torben Nielsen

  • With 30 years of experience from both sides of the table, I have the good fortune to have made almost all the mistakes I advise my clients on today. I have been blessed with people around me in my career that have had a genuine interest in my personal growth and development, and now I want to pay it forward. I have found my purpose in sharing my learnings through my consulting practice.

    My current personal development focus

    Committing to and living my life purpose daily presents me with new challenges and insights that remind me that I will always only aspire to my purpose.

    The journey of learning and expanding my world view never ends, and all I can do is to strive to live authentically with integrity and curiosity and to be inspired by everything around me so that I may:

    Humbly stand in my power to share wisdom.

Simon Skaaning

  • I have over 20 years of consulting experience and have worked with change leadership, strategy, organisational development, leadership development, culture, and operational optimisation across various industries and sectors.

    The many years of both failures and successes have been my conscious learning journey in understanding the underlying dynamics in teams and people relationships. This foundation is vital for me in leading transformation and having a positive impact on people and organizations.

    My current personal development focus

    Prioritizing my own personal development is key in my role as a coach for others. I know that I need to be in constant development to do my best work as a coach, and I also know that leaders need to be conscious of their own personal development to succeed in transforming organizations.

    My current focus is to stand tall as a leader and executive coach. I acknowledge that at times, my way of being and engaging is sometimes influenced by past patterns of lacking consciousness in the moment. I continuously challenge my ability to be open to new perspectives and conscious about how my old way of thinking is influencing my curiosity.

Henrik Dall

  • With more than 30 years of experience in leadership positions and 25 years as a leadership consultant, my field of expertise has evolved around facilitating transformational changes spurred by such needs as creating and implementing new strategies, developing leadership capabilities, and increasing individual and organizational sense-making and value creation.

    Assisting organizations in unfolding their full human potential by creating constructive, developing, and engaging cultures is what drives me. Cultures where people thrive in meeting the challenges of complex internal and external realities. Cultures where people come together to create opportunities and value for all stakeholders. Cultures that aspire to create personal and professional growth for everyone affiliated.

    Leaders play a key role in creating such cultures. That is one of the challenging gifts of being a leader. Therefore, I work with leaders and leadership teams on all levels to help them fully realize their potential to be a force for constructive development.

    It all begins with conscious awareness of the quality of relations between people. Do our ways of being together lead to constructive growth for us all? If not, something profound must change. My purpose is to be an agent for that change.

    My current personal development focus

    Current status: Physically, I am beginning an arduous journey of getting back in shape after the big Corona disruption. Intellectually I am studying various individual and organizational levers for vertical development. Emotionally, I practice robustness and equilibrium when feeling discomfort during my personal development processes. Spiritually I have stopped for breath before the next wave of inspiration.

Lisa Richardson

  • I have had many roles throughout my life, regardless of my role I am always a HUMAN BEING first. I am grateful to have found my tribe where I can continue to develop and grow while I live my purpose.  

    My purpose is to connect and nurture consciousness.

    After 10+ years as a leader and over 20 years in consulting, I feel driven to apply my experience and skills to help organisations who truly strive to transform.   

    I believe leadership and culture can make or break any strategy and the leader's most critical task is creating healthy and developing relationships within their organization or team. When people work in developing, constructive cultures, everything else falls into place with much greater ease.  Therefore, I insist on addressing cultural change, leadership development, and personal development as an integrated part of addressing my clients' most important business priorities. When we succeed here, the results are always exponentially greater, and much more satisfying for all.  

    My approach is to see and address the organization as a whole, and not just one piece of the puzzle. My broad background allows me to do this integrating traditional consulting interventions with cultural and people approaches to ensure the whole organization is changed sustainably in the most effective manner. 

    My current personal development focus  

    I am currently working on increasing my impact by increasing my confidence and clarity in my communication of what I see and how I can impact the most important agendas at all levels in the organisations I work with.

    Compassion and Wisdom are the drivers I am using to step into this way of being.  When I am able to do this, I am truly using all of me in service of my purpose with the greatest impact on the world.  

Christian Juel Grønbjerg

  • My passion is to help individuals, teams and organisations find, materialise and live their purpose. Human relations are to me the single most important condition for success in an organisation.

    I have 20 years of experience as a senior leader and consultant working within the fields of change leadership, strategy implementation, operating models, organisational development and cultural development.

    I insist on co-creation with my clients and value trust as a fundamental prerequisite for a successful shared journey towards purpose, meaning and results. I speak the truth I see and advise and do what is needed to take the next step.

    My current personal development focus

    “I’m brave” in the sense that I listen, speak and act according to my intuition, integrity and love.

Steen Ruby

  • I am an experienced executive coach and consultant.

    I can offer deep knowledge of content and processes around making thinks work best.

    My focus areas are people, leadership, and “the way we work together”, called organizational work culture. Leaning on high level of psychological safety combined with high standards for working together to create high performance in the organization. And I have experience with the newest stuff around decentralizing, distributing leadership.

    I am not traditionally starting with strategy, production, go-to-market, IT, value chains, finance, R&D, Project Management, leadership, HR, although I have worked with it all - what I call content - and are subject matter expert in some - as either consultant or manager on all levels.

    What I have experienced that are giving people and companies the best results and the highest performance, is the softer but still a hard side around the content, the people, the culture, the leadership.

    This is why I after years in different industries as a leader, and in 4 consulting firms, have experienced how the “soft sides” are giving the highest payback for all stakeholders. And how it can be done.

    I right now focus much on the frontiers of leadership for persons, teams, and organizations. And train and coach people in vertical (and horizontal) being. Some of it through my Vehoma Leadership Institute (www.vehoma.org).

    Call me for a conversation on +45 40 88 36 36 or mail me at: sr@conscious-consulting.dk

August Wille Holm

  • Before joining Conscious Consulting, I spent several years developing businesses and building brands in international management positions and as an entrepreneur.

    With a background from Copenhagen Business School, I stand on a solid methodological foundation in economics and business administration. However, I have always focused my academic pursuits on exploring new ways to create better businesses at the intersection between responsibility and profitability.

    As a part of Conscious Consulting, I can engage in constructive relationships with clients and colleagues while seeking to elevate leaders’ perspectives to discover new, more conscious ways of leading their organizations and being in the world.

    My current personal development focus

    I fuel my vertical development by searching within to discover which values and beliefs I carry around unknowingly, those which I am subject to. Thereby, I seek to expand my perspectives so I can consciously navigate through the complexities of the world.

    The more I explore my patterns, the more defensive impulses reveal themselves – motivating introspective inquiries like “why is this conversation causing me to feel this way?”, “am I connected to the present moment – can I feel my feet?” and finally, “which perspectives do I need to cultivate to integrate a more constructive pattern going forward?”

    This continuous exercise frequently evokes cognitive dissonance in me and requires a lot of courage, given the depth of the defensive patterns I have engrained into my nervous system.

    However, the rewards of progressively expanding my perspectives towards greater consciousness dramatically outweigh the inevitable discomforts of dancing upon my edge of growth.

    Join me in the dance!

Kirsten Thorbjørn

  • With 25+ years of experience as a director/leader and consultant, I have a humble but good understanding of the conditions for leaders.

    I have had the privilege to work with almost all sizes of companies in Denmark and globally.

    Over the years, I have learned that relationships, culture, and behavior are more important than anything else.

    When relations and trust work well together, you can succeed in almost everything else - like Jim Collins says, "WHO first, then WHAT".

    My strengths are the ability to understand complex issues and then “build bridge” between individuals, management teams, organizations, culture, strategy, and results.

    My passion is to work with customers and colleagues who want to create long-term relations and results through greater awareness.

    My current personal development focus

    Overall, my personal development is all about becoming a little bit wiser every day - on myself, other people, and not least about life in general.

    My current development focus is to learn to live with my personal DOUBTS. It can be doubts regarding my beliefs, my behavior, my intuition etc.

    To work with this, I am aware of being curious, challenging myself, inviting others to challenge me, etc.

    It can now and then be scary, but also funny. It is probably a lifelong learning process...

Hanne Vibe Andreasen

  • My passion is to help organizations move to a new way of being as living organisms, agile and self-organizing. Leadership development and strategy co-creation are key parts of this type of journey.

    With 25+ years of experience in leadership development, strategy implementation and new ways of working, I see leadership now being up for big changes. It is a privilege to work with brave, curious leaders, who are ready to transform leadership and business to what the world and employees need in order to thrive and create.

    The key to new meaningful ways of working, as leaders and as teams, lies in new ways of seeing ourselves and seeing each other. My role is to help leaders move on from the habits we built for years and decades, to a more present and conscious way of being and doing. Only then will work and business unfold in a natural and powerful flow.

    With a background in international and public organizations in both leadership positions and consulting roles, I insist on integrating business, people and impact in how we lead ourselves and others. The future of leadership is to enable our organizations to co-create strategy and impact. My strengths are to sense the human and business potential of organizations and individuals, and then enable them to see and live their potential.

    My current personal development focus

    Expressing my wisdom directly and clearly in words and actions, without filtering the inner knowing.

    Exploring how my own way of being can unearth the untamed wisdom embedded within individuals and organizations - and cultivate vertical development and new ways of working in organizations.

Building bridges


Throughout the years, we've built a strong ecosystem that we tap into depending on client needs. Within this valuable network of partner organisations, we constantly challenge each other to rethink who we are and how we can do better.



Our own enterprise philosophy

We want to grow our business to reach further and have a larger impact. We believe that scaling in consulting is not about processes, it’s about people. If you join Conscious Consulting, you join as a partner. We encourage and believe in personal ownership rather than processes, procedures and control mechanisms. For us to succeed as a team, we insist on real contact, connection and co-creation between all partners. We’re on a learning journey — together.